@article{oai:yamanashi.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001657, author = {山下, 憲親 and 矢島, 正男 and 周, 欣欣 and 大木, 真 and 橋口, 住久}, journal = {山梨大學工學部研究報告, Reports of the Faculty of Engineering, Yamanashi University}, month = {Dec}, note = {A simple algorithm is proposed for synthesis of a pan-focused picture from the focused segments of partially-focused pictures taken along the depth. The procedure of discrimination of the focused segments consists of two steps. In the first step the local maximum of contrast is detected by applying a 3×3 differential mask. In the second step the maximum of intensity along the depth is detected. By arranging the intensity according to resulting map of the positions infocus a pan-focused picture is obtained. The whole process of obtaining a pan-focused picture from 60 frame images requires 60 minutes with a personal computer.}, pages = {61--65}, title = {顕微鏡によるパンフォーカス画像の合成}, volume = {45}, year = {1994} }