@article{oai:yamanashi.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001690, author = {斎藤, 宣俊 and 高橋, 淳 and 岩村, 武英 and 大木, 真 and 橋口, 住久}, journal = {山梨大學工學部研究報告, Reports of the Faculty of Engineering, Yamanashi University}, month = {Dec}, note = {We proposed a method of detecting the gazing direction using the images due to the scleral reflection in addition to the first Purkinje image in order to improve the accuracy of detection. It was shown that the accuracy of detection was by improved four times compared with the conventional method using the first Purkinje image only.}, pages = {13--15}, title = {視線方向の検出 : 強膜結像利用の効果}, volume = {42}, year = {1991} }