@article{oai:yamanashi.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001788, author = {竹内, 智 and 坂井, 一雄 and 松本, 道男 and 杉原, 亮}, journal = {山梨大學工學部研究報告, Reports of the Faculty of Engineering, Yamanashi University}, month = {}, note = {New mechanisms of trapping and acceleration of electrons by an elliptically polarized electromagnetic wave (EPW) are shown in relativistic regime. Having the phase velocity V_p, which is a little smaller than the velocity of light c, the EPW propagates perpendicularly to an externally applied static magnetic field B_0. Trapping conditions are divided into four types by using the ratio of the electric field component of the EPW to the field B_0 and the Lorentz factor γ_p=[1-(V_p/c)^2]^<1/2> as parameters. Under the certain conditions, an electron trapped by the EPW can be accelerated unlimitedly along the wave front of the EPW as long as the original wave form is held constant without wave damping. Several issues of slow wave structures to slow down the phase velocity by using dielectric materials are also discussed.}, pages = {69--78}, title = {静磁場に垂直に伝播する楕円偏波によるV_pXB加速}, volume = {38}, year = {1987} }