@article{oai:yamanashi.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002786, author = {Igarashi, Satoshi and Chikamatsu, Kazuaki and Miyata, Masanori and Maenosono, Michiko and Yonaga, Takaaki and Nakazawa, Tadao and Katoh, Ryohei and Masuyama, Keisuke}, issue = {2}, journal = {山梨医科学雑誌, Yamanashi medical journal}, month = {}, note = {Epithelial myoepithelial carcinoma (EMC) is a rare salivary gland tumor consisting of inner duct-lining epithelial cells and outer clear myoepithelial cells, which is a characteristic composition of biphasic tubular structures. Here, we describe the gross, histological, and immunophenotypic characteristics of a case with typical EMC. An 87-year-old woman diagnosed with EMC of the left parotid gland was referred to our hospital, where she underwent total parotidectomy with complete excision of the lesion. Histopathological examination revealed typical features of EMC. Immunohistochemical examinations were performed for further characterization, and included potential biological markers Ki-67, p53, Her-2/neu, carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), and Bcl-2. The epithelial cells were diffusely positive for CEA, but no other signifi cant positive staining was identifi ed. Although EMC is recognized as a low-grade tumor, the relatively high likelihood of local recurrence and the presence of variants with high-grade components should be considered. Immunohistochemical analysis can provide useful information for both the diagnosis and biological evaluation of this tumor.}, pages = {71--78}, title = { Epithelial-myoepithelial carcinoma of the parotid gland: a case report and immunohistochemical analysis}, volume = {27}, year = {2013} }