@article{oai:yamanashi.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005272, author = {芹澤, 如比古 and 松井, 悠一郎 and 中村, 誠司 and 森下, 祐太郎 and 芹澤(松山), 和世}, journal = {山梨大学教育学部紀要, Bulletin of the Faculty of Education}, month = {Feb}, note = {application/pdf, 2019年3月~2020年2月に月1回,山梨大学甲府西キャンパスに程近い相川の竜雲橋から相川橋までの517m区間の河床から土手までの範囲で,大型藻および水生・湿生・陸生植物の野外観察と採集を行った。また,多項目計を用いて4つの環境要因を約100m離れた6地点で毎月測定した。相川から大型藻14種,水生植物(抽水植物)9種,湿生草本11種,湿生木本6種,陸生草本146種,陸生木本58種の計244種が確認された。外来種は127種であり,確認種の52%を占めた。環境要因は顕著な季節変化を示し,特定の月では地点間で差異が見られ,水温は7.8~25.0℃,電気伝導率(25℃補正値)は120.2~342.6μS/cm,塩分は0.06~0.16PSU,濁度は0.42~11.74FNUの範囲にあった。, Field observations and samplings for macroalgae and aquatic, hygrophitic and terrestrial plants were conducted monthly from March 2019 to February 2020 at 517 m section from Ryuun Bridge to Aikawa Bridge in Aikawa River from the riverbed to the bank. Four environmental factors were also measured in each month at 6 sites apart from approximately 100 m by using a multiparameter water quality meter. A total of 244 species were confirmed from Aikawa River, of these, 14 were macroalgae, 9 were aquatic plants (emergent plants), 11 were herbaceous hygrophytes, 6 were woody hygrophytes, 146 were herbaceous land plants, and 58 were woody land plants. There were 127 alien species, accounting for 52% of the confirmed species. Environmental factors showed remarkable seasonal changes, and site-to-site differences in specific months; water temperature ranged 7.8-25.0˚C, electrical conductivity (corrected to 25˚C) ranged 120.2-342.6 μS/cm, salinity ranged 0.06-0.16 PSU,and turbidity ranged 0.42-11.74 FNU.}, pages = {105--118}, title = {甲府市相川における大型藻および水生・湿生・陸生植物の周年毎月調査}, volume = {33}, year = {2023} }